The title sums it up. I felt like I was playing scared at 10NL while being bankrolled for 25NL so I made the jump yesterday and played 400 hands, finishing up a BI to start the new stakes. I grinded out 3 hours this morning and did even better, finished up 4.6BI over 1200 hands and winning a $100 pot (flippin' huge yo!). Not going to bother posting stats other then to say that I played 18/15/4 and winning 71% of my showdowns. In addition to the win, I also unlocked another $20 bonus so my two days winnings over 1600 hands is around $160. Nuts yo.
Here are some hands from today:
Hand 1
This was an interesting hand as at this table I was playing pretty donkishly, but only against a half-stacker who shoved any pair or ace hand. Against the shorty I called his shoves with AKos and AJos, winning once, but also showing the table I have a pretty wide shoving range. Villain here was playing super tight so after his 4 bet I put him on AA, KK, QQ, or AK and I figured he'd be shoving all those with whatever I did. So instead of doing a customer 5bet to say around $14, I just shoved to look donkish. It worked well this time obviously but I would not do this play often.
Hand 2
This was a weird hand that I think the villain played horribly. After the river hits that completes the flush and straight draws I didn't really have any other option but to shove as I wasn't going to fold with only 1/3BI left behind. I really couldn't believe it when calls with 99...ty I guess.
Hand 3
With so many outs, it was a dream flop for me with the second nut flush, two overs, and straight draw. I bet strong against the villain and make sure to get in before the turn. I hit one of my many outs on the turn and shipped the chiplets over my way.
Hand 4
After missing so many of PP hands on the flop, I finally hit one here. I automatically put this guy on a K with such a dry flop and I try to rep a K as well. It was great that the ten hit on the river and he insta-shoves with the two pair. Lovely.
Hand 5
This was the big loss of the day against the half-stacker mentioned above. I played this fine and glad that I got it in preflop vs him as chances are I'd just be shoving on the flop anyways. He had jacks on this one, good for him, I took his money later anyways. Snap.
Next post will be on Wednesday, the last day of the month, with a summary of my play and goals for May. GL at the tables.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
End of school, beginning of the grinding
So just finished off my last exam today, went pretty well, and I'm going to put it in the back of my mind until I get the final marks back in May. As for poker, I'm still running hot, winning 2BI in 400 hands yesterday and hoping to keep that going tonight when I look to play about 1k hands.
I am now officially rolled for 25NL, but I think I'm going to stay at 10NL until the end of April or 20k hands, whichever comes first. I've started datamining the next level, but currently I only have stats for about 3k players. By the end of April I'm hoping that number will triple and I can therefore make much better reads off them. Other then the news about moving up soon, I'll just show my up-to-date stats and hopefully write a more detailed blog come Sunday night.

EDIT: 2 hours later...
So I just played 400 hands at 10NL and finished up 2 more BI (ship it), but I got sucked out on HUGE. I don't think it's ever been this bad. Felt myself starting to tilt after the last one so I quit while I was still ahead and finish my session later. Here are the coolers.
Hand 1
After his c-bet into me and then call of my raise, I put him on an overpair as he would have shoved had he hit that flop at all. Turn is a 7 which could have paired him but I'd be willing to pay him off with that as I think it's unlikely so I shove to get his last 1/3BI in and he snap calls with TT. I just had a feeling he'd spike his trips on the riv...ugh
Villain: 5%
Hand 2
So I flop top pair and kicker (assumed here) on a drawy board but seeing as how villain had 5BB left I just shove and he calls with A7s...and hits runner runner straight...ugh
Villain: 20%
Hand 3
This one was tough and I don't think I can lay it down. After he donk bets the flop I reraise him and call his shove as I'm pretty much pot-committed. It just looked to much like a straight or flush draw and with an overpair I think it's just too hard to fold a strong OP to the board, especially when he is repping either straight/flush draw or overpairs...bah
So those three hands cost me 2BI and the majority of the time I'll take those down so what happened didn't really bother me, just the close proximity to each other got to me. Anywho, hope you got a laugh out of these...I didn't.
Edit #2:
So the poker Gods obviously weren't too happy with me today. After taking a break from the last cooler session, I get with 3 more crazy plays lol. Ran into quads twice with my full house and lost set over set on the flop when I spiked mine and...surprise surprise he spikes his on the riv... So I'm going to stop after 800 hands now, thank you very much, with a very RESPECTABLE $1.4 in winnings lol. Wow what a night, here's another few for you:
Hand 4
I have nothing to say to this, I don't think I could away with this hand EVER EVER EVER. Ridiculous. Lol loved how we both slowplayed it though.
Hand 5
Flush draw on the flop, I bet out strong and I assume the guy has either the FD, set (doubt it), or overpair to the board so I made sure to get my money in ASAP. Not going to lie, started to tilt a little after I get beat by A 2 OUTER ON THE RIVER FOR THE SECOND TIME TONIGHT!
Hand 6
This kinda topped the night off. I was behind this whole hand and I didn't know it. After the third K hits I refuse to believe that anyone is going to have it. When he raises me on the river he could be doing with with some many pocket pairs or bluffs that I'm forced to call.
What a night, I'm going to go pray and maybe give a sacrificial virgin to the poker Gods because I obviously need to repent for whatever sins I have incurred.
I am now officially rolled for 25NL, but I think I'm going to stay at 10NL until the end of April or 20k hands, whichever comes first. I've started datamining the next level, but currently I only have stats for about 3k players. By the end of April I'm hoping that number will triple and I can therefore make much better reads off them. Other then the news about moving up soon, I'll just show my up-to-date stats and hopefully write a more detailed blog come Sunday night.

EDIT: 2 hours later...
So I just played 400 hands at 10NL and finished up 2 more BI (ship it), but I got sucked out on HUGE. I don't think it's ever been this bad. Felt myself starting to tilt after the last one so I quit while I was still ahead and finish my session later. Here are the coolers.
Hand 1
After his c-bet into me and then call of my raise, I put him on an overpair as he would have shoved had he hit that flop at all. Turn is a 7 which could have paired him but I'd be willing to pay him off with that as I think it's unlikely so I shove to get his last 1/3BI in and he snap calls with TT. I just had a feeling he'd spike his trips on the riv...ugh
Villain: 5%
Hand 2
So I flop top pair and kicker (assumed here) on a drawy board but seeing as how villain had 5BB left I just shove and he calls with A7s...and hits runner runner straight...ugh
Villain: 20%
Hand 3
This one was tough and I don't think I can lay it down. After he donk bets the flop I reraise him and call his shove as I'm pretty much pot-committed. It just looked to much like a straight or flush draw and with an overpair I think it's just too hard to fold a strong OP to the board, especially when he is repping either straight/flush draw or overpairs...bah
So those three hands cost me 2BI and the majority of the time I'll take those down so what happened didn't really bother me, just the close proximity to each other got to me. Anywho, hope you got a laugh out of these...I didn't.
Edit #2:
So the poker Gods obviously weren't too happy with me today. After taking a break from the last cooler session, I get with 3 more crazy plays lol. Ran into quads twice with my full house and lost set over set on the flop when I spiked mine and...surprise surprise he spikes his on the riv... So I'm going to stop after 800 hands now, thank you very much, with a very RESPECTABLE $1.4 in winnings lol. Wow what a night, here's another few for you:
Hand 4
I have nothing to say to this, I don't think I could away with this hand EVER EVER EVER. Ridiculous. Lol loved how we both slowplayed it though.
Hand 5
Flush draw on the flop, I bet out strong and I assume the guy has either the FD, set (doubt it), or overpair to the board so I made sure to get my money in ASAP. Not going to lie, started to tilt a little after I get beat by A 2 OUTER ON THE RIVER FOR THE SECOND TIME TONIGHT!
Hand 6
This kinda topped the night off. I was behind this whole hand and I didn't know it. After the third K hits I refuse to believe that anyone is going to have it. When he raises me on the river he could be doing with with some many pocket pairs or bluffs that I'm forced to call.
What a night, I'm going to go pray and maybe give a sacrificial virgin to the poker Gods because I obviously need to repent for whatever sins I have incurred.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Some hand histories.
So although I've been running at over 15ptbb/100 over the last 5 000 hands, I've still made some mistakes, some that were avoidable, and others I would consider to just be coolers. Anyways, I'm going to try to post something like ten hands in this blog with some thoughts on each one and see where I went wrong.
Hand 1
So I'm going c-bet this flop like 90% of the time here, but after a strong re-raise here I probably should have proceeded with a lot more caution. If it was a min-raise I wouldn't be too worried but he showed a lot of strength here and at this level, it should be pretty blatant. Throwing away the other half of my BI probably wasn't a good idea either. Tough to let go of AA with a loss, but I have to show more control in these situations.
Hand 2
So I flop top pair, most likely top kicker on this board and after the smallish raise on my c-bet, I put him on a weak A type hand or maybe a flush/straight draw. The 8 on the turn I considered a blank and I'll happily get in on this turn almost all the time, just sucks that he hit his 2 outer on the turn that I considered a blank. Not too upset about this hand.
Hand 3
The villain was tilting me a bit over the session as he was so passive and calling with almost anything on each street. He was like 82/15/1 over 200 hands and he was somehow up money! Anyways, I was stupid and just didn't believe he had the K, it was in his range, but so was a lot of Ax type hands, which is what I assumed he showed up here with. Anyways, played this horribly so I noted this guy and moved on.
Hand 4
Set over sets always suck but I have to ask myself I could have played this any differently? The way the villain flatted me from the CO screamed TT-QQ, AK, AQ or AJ so when I flop the set I thought that checking would allow him to catch up as I believed I had his range killed. He bets so I put him on a TPTK type hand or maybe even a KQs so I was happy to call. The J on the turn wasn't that great as it completes a straight draw but I don't think AT is in his range. I bet strong showing strength and he calls and then the river is an even worse card and we both check it down. I think I played this hand fine, maybe betting strong on the flop would have been better but still, a tough situation.
Hand 5
Bah this hand was ridiculous, there isn't much to think about by getting it in on the flop with AA on a K high board. Although it is slightly connected, I still don't think it's a bad move. I kinda blinked when he showed up with J7s and the cried when he rivered his straight. Oh well, I got in good and he was able to hit his straight.
Hand 6
This hand kind of sucked but I played it well I believe. I liked my min-raise on the turn after I hit my nut flush as it was pretty obvious villain had the other T or a smaller flush and I was expecting him to shove, which he did. He rivers his 3-outer on my of course and I lose flush over flush. Another one of those hands where you rip out some hair and then move on.
Hand 7
I think a pre-flop fold wouldn't have been a bad idea, being OOP for the hand but with the suited AJ, I think a call is also correct. Got into trouble by just check calling and never really knowing where I was in the hand. I think a re-raise on the flop would have been sufficient but with AJ against a very loose player, I think I would have gotten it in a lot of the time if he shoved to my re-raise. He was definitely playing an A, just sucked that I was outkicked.
Hand 8
I played this hand with JB sweating me so I'm pretty sure he owes me for half my loss here lol. Top and bottom pair versus top two pair. Villain was showing any aggression and I simply bet out each street believing I had the best hand. So I guess I lost the least amount possible thanks to the villain being so damn passive.
Hand 9
I didn't like how I played this hand vs the shorty here. I flop top-pair, but was behind the entire time. I thought he could have a J like me or smaller PP type hand so I put him in on the turn for the rest of his stack as the A was a scare card, sadly he had AJ lol. Probably a c/f would have been in order on the turn after his min-raise on the flop, but of course, hindsight is always 20/20.
Hand 10
With an overpair on the flop, I was probably ahead of his range. I bet the K on turn as a scare card, but with his min-raise here I think it would have been fine to just fold here as obviously the K wasn't scary for him. The call by me was a leak for sure. Then with J on the river, I finally get the idea that a c/f is proper. Meh, could've saved myself 13BB by not calling his raise on the turn but other than that, I played this hand fine.
Hand 1
So I'm going c-bet this flop like 90% of the time here, but after a strong re-raise here I probably should have proceeded with a lot more caution. If it was a min-raise I wouldn't be too worried but he showed a lot of strength here and at this level, it should be pretty blatant. Throwing away the other half of my BI probably wasn't a good idea either. Tough to let go of AA with a loss, but I have to show more control in these situations.
Hand 2
So I flop top pair, most likely top kicker on this board and after the smallish raise on my c-bet, I put him on a weak A type hand or maybe a flush/straight draw. The 8 on the turn I considered a blank and I'll happily get in on this turn almost all the time, just sucks that he hit his 2 outer on the turn that I considered a blank. Not too upset about this hand.
Hand 3
The villain was tilting me a bit over the session as he was so passive and calling with almost anything on each street. He was like 82/15/1 over 200 hands and he was somehow up money! Anyways, I was stupid and just didn't believe he had the K, it was in his range, but so was a lot of Ax type hands, which is what I assumed he showed up here with. Anyways, played this horribly so I noted this guy and moved on.
Hand 4
Set over sets always suck but I have to ask myself I could have played this any differently? The way the villain flatted me from the CO screamed TT-QQ, AK, AQ or AJ so when I flop the set I thought that checking would allow him to catch up as I believed I had his range killed. He bets so I put him on a TPTK type hand or maybe even a KQs so I was happy to call. The J on the turn wasn't that great as it completes a straight draw but I don't think AT is in his range. I bet strong showing strength and he calls and then the river is an even worse card and we both check it down. I think I played this hand fine, maybe betting strong on the flop would have been better but still, a tough situation.
Hand 5
Bah this hand was ridiculous, there isn't much to think about by getting it in on the flop with AA on a K high board. Although it is slightly connected, I still don't think it's a bad move. I kinda blinked when he showed up with J7s and the cried when he rivered his straight. Oh well, I got in good and he was able to hit his straight.
Hand 6
This hand kind of sucked but I played it well I believe. I liked my min-raise on the turn after I hit my nut flush as it was pretty obvious villain had the other T or a smaller flush and I was expecting him to shove, which he did. He rivers his 3-outer on my of course and I lose flush over flush. Another one of those hands where you rip out some hair and then move on.
Hand 7
I think a pre-flop fold wouldn't have been a bad idea, being OOP for the hand but with the suited AJ, I think a call is also correct. Got into trouble by just check calling and never really knowing where I was in the hand. I think a re-raise on the flop would have been sufficient but with AJ against a very loose player, I think I would have gotten it in a lot of the time if he shoved to my re-raise. He was definitely playing an A, just sucked that I was outkicked.
Hand 8
I played this hand with JB sweating me so I'm pretty sure he owes me for half my loss here lol. Top and bottom pair versus top two pair. Villain was showing any aggression and I simply bet out each street believing I had the best hand. So I guess I lost the least amount possible thanks to the villain being so damn passive.
Hand 9
I didn't like how I played this hand vs the shorty here. I flop top-pair, but was behind the entire time. I thought he could have a J like me or smaller PP type hand so I put him in on the turn for the rest of his stack as the A was a scare card, sadly he had AJ lol. Probably a c/f would have been in order on the turn after his min-raise on the flop, but of course, hindsight is always 20/20.
Hand 10
With an overpair on the flop, I was probably ahead of his range. I bet the K on turn as a scare card, but with his min-raise here I think it would have been fine to just fold here as obviously the K wasn't scary for him. The call by me was a leak for sure. Then with J on the river, I finally get the idea that a c/f is proper. Meh, could've saved myself 13BB by not calling his raise on the turn but other than that, I played this hand fine.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Upswing into the clouds.
So after struggling in the beginning of the month, things have really picked up for me as of late. I don't think my play has changed much, but I do believe that I'm being a bit more critical in my thinking of what my opponents are on and acting accordingly. I've also had a nice run of hands that have thankfully been paid off. Just to give you an idea of how hot I'm running, over the last 4 400 hands, I'm 13BI or 15ptbb/1000 hands. That's nasty.
I haven't played much the last little while with exams going on (2 down, 2 to go) but I've been making sure to play every day so I can participate in the $2k freeroll at the end of the month. I played 600 hands tonight after I got from my exam and finished up almost a BI, but I played the worst that I've played in a while. Wasn't truly focused, a little burnt out, and just wasn't all there today. I was up about 2.5BI with about 200 hands left but I donked off about .5BI and lost a flush to an improbable full house. All the same, still nice to pull off another winning session and I obviously hope to keep that going.
Here are my stats as of the 19th of April:
*note: having some trouble with uploading my stats, firewall is being stupid. in a nutshell, I'm playing 18/16/3 over 12 000 hands and I'm up 4BI for the month (1.85ptbb/1000).
On other news, I sold my BMO stock yesterday at $48.01 after purchasing it about a month ago for 41.46. A nice 15% is always lovely. I'm just going to leave it all in my account for now and hopefully get back into the market when things (hopefully) tank in the near future again. That's it for now I figure. I'll be playing for 20 minutes before I study to get my FTP points but I'll hopefully blog tomorrow night with 7 or 8 hands that I'm not happy with.
I haven't played much the last little while with exams going on (2 down, 2 to go) but I've been making sure to play every day so I can participate in the $2k freeroll at the end of the month. I played 600 hands tonight after I got from my exam and finished up almost a BI, but I played the worst that I've played in a while. Wasn't truly focused, a little burnt out, and just wasn't all there today. I was up about 2.5BI with about 200 hands left but I donked off about .5BI and lost a flush to an improbable full house. All the same, still nice to pull off another winning session and I obviously hope to keep that going.
Here are my stats as of the 19th of April:
*note: having some trouble with uploading my stats, firewall is being stupid. in a nutshell, I'm playing 18/16/3 over 12 000 hands and I'm up 4BI for the month (1.85ptbb/1000).
On other news, I sold my BMO stock yesterday at $48.01 after purchasing it about a month ago for 41.46. A nice 15% is always lovely. I'm just going to leave it all in my account for now and hopefully get back into the market when things (hopefully) tank in the near future again. That's it for now I figure. I'll be playing for 20 minutes before I study to get my FTP points but I'll hopefully blog tomorrow night with 7 or 8 hands that I'm not happy with.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Mid-Month Progress Report
So it's the middle of April already, it's gone by way too fast, and it's time to take a look at my first 2 weeks of play:

So I started off the month horribly. I really wasn't sleeping well and was focusing too much on the short-term wins and losses (mostly the latter) and I found I tilted very easily. It didn't help that I was coolered quite a few times by ridiculous hands (AKvs63s????), but I've come to realize that in poker it is in the probabilities that you'll be be on occasion AA vs 24os type crap, just have to understand that LONG-TERM, you'll be profitable. Easy to say and I'll be the first to admit that I haven't perfected that mindset, but I'm on my way to it. At one point I was down 10BI and due to some solid play (and a couple suck-outs of course), I've narrowed it down to just 2BI. Definitely on cloud 9 right now, especially after a +3.5BI session today in just 600 hands. I had some good flops but also so good calls on the river just not believing that the villain had what they wanted to me to think they had.
Also while looking at my stats, I recall at the end of March that I wanted to tighten up a bit in order to cut down the variance, but in reality I've actually done the opposite. I think playing 18/16/3 is perfectly fine for this level and that it'll pay off in the end (with maybe a bit more variance). In summary, I'm very happy with my stats as I made sure to reduce my AF from >4 last month to a much more reasonable 3 so far this month. Seeing results from my hard work always feels good.
As for my bankroll, thanks to some winning sessions lately and my tourney win, my BR is now up to $475! I'll be playing about 1k hands tomorrow morning and thus I'll be unlocking another 2BI bonus so there's a solid chance that I'll be profitable for April and be able to comfortably move up to 25NL beginning in May.
I think that's about it for now, as I said before, I'm really proud of my stats and I'll be looking to focus even more once my exams finish on the 24th of April. Should be able to hit 20k hands though and I'M JIZ-ACKED!

So I started off the month horribly. I really wasn't sleeping well and was focusing too much on the short-term wins and losses (mostly the latter) and I found I tilted very easily. It didn't help that I was coolered quite a few times by ridiculous hands (AKvs63s????), but I've come to realize that in poker it is in the probabilities that you'll be be on occasion AA vs 24os type crap, just have to understand that LONG-TERM, you'll be profitable. Easy to say and I'll be the first to admit that I haven't perfected that mindset, but I'm on my way to it. At one point I was down 10BI and due to some solid play (and a couple suck-outs of course), I've narrowed it down to just 2BI. Definitely on cloud 9 right now, especially after a +3.5BI session today in just 600 hands. I had some good flops but also so good calls on the river just not believing that the villain had what they wanted to me to think they had.
Also while looking at my stats, I recall at the end of March that I wanted to tighten up a bit in order to cut down the variance, but in reality I've actually done the opposite. I think playing 18/16/3 is perfectly fine for this level and that it'll pay off in the end (with maybe a bit more variance). In summary, I'm very happy with my stats as I made sure to reduce my AF from >4 last month to a much more reasonable 3 so far this month. Seeing results from my hard work always feels good.
As for my bankroll, thanks to some winning sessions lately and my tourney win, my BR is now up to $475! I'll be playing about 1k hands tomorrow morning and thus I'll be unlocking another 2BI bonus so there's a solid chance that I'll be profitable for April and be able to comfortably move up to 25NL beginning in May.
I think that's about it for now, as I said before, I'm really proud of my stats and I'll be looking to focus even more once my exams finish on the 24th of April. Should be able to hit 20k hands though and I'M JIZ-ACKED!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Funny Hand
I was playing this morning a quick one hour session and this hand came up lol. Instead of just doing a normal c-bet, I accidentally bet half my stack lol. The villain was talking the whole time about what I have and the whole time I'm thinking, "oh s***," so he shoves...I obviously have to call the last bit with the Q on the board...and he has...55? haha whew. lol I really liked his logic of "I have outs." So lucky he didn't have anything there.
Free hand converter brought to you by CardRunners
Seat 1: thebonemonkey ($10)
Seat 2: scrubby02 ($9.55) -
Seat 3: KATMANDRU1 ($4.65) -
Seat 4: mack87 ($10) -
Seat 5: sangral ($12.55)
Seat 6: MCDavis08 ($11.85)
KATMANDRU1 posts small blind $0.05
mack87 posts BIG blind $0.10
Dealt To: mack87

CALL sangral ($0.10)
FOLD MCDavis08
FOLD thebonemonkey
FOLD scrubby02
RAISE mack87 ($0.50)
CALL sangral ($0.40)
Pot: $1.1
BET mack87 ($5.70)
RAISE sangral ($11.40)
CALL mack87 ($3.80)
UNCALLED sangral ($1.90)
Pot: $20.1
Pot: $20.1


mack87 collected $18.1 from main pot with two pair, Tens and Sevens
Total pot: $18.1 Rake: $
Final Board:
Free hand converter brought to you by CardRunners
That's all for now, I'll blog it up later this week most likely.
Free hand converter brought to you by CardRunners
Seat 1: thebonemonkey ($10)
Seat 2: scrubby02 ($9.55) -
Seat 3: KATMANDRU1 ($4.65) -
Seat 4: mack87 ($10) -
Seat 5: sangral ($12.55)
Seat 6: MCDavis08 ($11.85)
KATMANDRU1 posts small blind $0.05
mack87 posts BIG blind $0.10
Dealt To: mack87
CALL sangral ($0.10)
FOLD MCDavis08
FOLD thebonemonkey
FOLD scrubby02
RAISE mack87 ($0.50)
CALL sangral ($0.40)
Pot: $1.1
BET mack87 ($5.70)
RAISE sangral ($11.40)
CALL mack87 ($3.80)
UNCALLED sangral ($1.90)
Pot: $20.1
Pot: $20.1
mack87 collected $18.1 from main pot with two pair, Tens and Sevens
Total pot: $18.1 Rake: $
Final Board:
Free hand converter brought to you by CardRunners
That's all for now, I'll blog it up later this week most likely.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
April Update
Hey All, so far April has been a down month after roughly 8 000 hands, but I'm confident I can become profitable in the last 3 weeks so it's all good. Over the last 3 000 hands it has been pretty swingy, having a +1BI session, then a +2.5BI session, followed by a -3.5BI session, and then last capping it off with a +.5BI session. Not horrible of course and I think I still have to work on my long-term approach required for playing poker successfully. I still focus too much on the sessions that I lose a BI or two from and not on the fact that I'm looking to be profitable for the MONTH, not the SESSION. I'll be ordering the book "A Poker Mindset" this month, should help in reshaping my thought process somewhat.
There has been good news though this month so I'll bring those up right now. First off, I came in 3rd in a 70 person MTT, netting a 6BI win (shwing) so that felt good obviously, although I definitely had a solid chance of finishing first after having the chip lead but losing 3/4 of my stack KK > ATs. Ah well, I'll take what I get obviously.
Secondly, I applied for coaching position with the U of M this summer and I received the email this week saying I was accepted for it, meaning I get weekends off and get to shoot hoops all day. Now the only thing to do is to give my notice to BMO for the summer, ugh not looking forward to that.
Lastly, my BR is now finally back above my initial deposit of $400, finishing at $415 last night with the help of a winning session and unlocking a bonus. Hopefully I can get up to 25NL by May 1st, but if not, I won't mind sticking around 10NL for another few weeks to work out some more kinks in my game. However, I do believe that 25NL in May will be my most likely route I'll be taking.
Here are my stats so far for April, pretty solid I believe, but I'm still making the occasional costly mistake, probably responsible for -4BI, but I've also lost my fair number of coolers which I'm not really used to yet and they were tilting me there for a while.

Here's a hand which I'm not happy about. This guy was playing all over the place during my session with him, he flats my 3bet pf, making me believe he has AK, or QQ-TT, potentially ATs kind of thing. He c-bets the dry flop and I'm willing to pay off some random set so I shove because I figure I have 95% of his range beat here, any overpair would call my shove, and that AA was unlikely. I think either way we'd be getting it in on the board if not on the flop then on the turn or river so I think my play was fine here, just sucked that he had AA.
Free hand converter brought to you by CardRunners
Seat 1: FineByFar ($11.40) -
Seat 2: BiotchesFull ($14.35) -
Seat 3: TMacClemson ($9.95) -
Seat 4: TheAbhorsen ($12.65)
Seat 5: kfed5672 ($14.70)
Seat 6: mack87 ($13.40)
BiotchesFull posts small blind $0.05
TMacClemson posts BIG blind $0.10
Dealt To: mack87

FOLD TheAbhorsen
CALL kfed5672 ($0.10)
RAISE mack87 ($0.45)
FOLD FineByFar
FOLD BiotchesFull
FOLD TMacClemson
RAISE kfed5672 ($0.80)
RAISE mack87 ($2)
CALL kfed5672 ($1.20)
Pot: $4.15
BET kfed5672 ($2.50)
RAISE mack87 ($11.40)
CALL kfed5672 ($8.90)
Pot: $26.95
Pot: $26.95


kfed5672 collected $24.95 from main pot with two pair, Aces and Fives
Total pot: $24.95 Rake: $
Final Board:
Free hand converter brought to you by CardRunners
There has been good news though this month so I'll bring those up right now. First off, I came in 3rd in a 70 person MTT, netting a 6BI win (shwing) so that felt good obviously, although I definitely had a solid chance of finishing first after having the chip lead but losing 3/4 of my stack KK > ATs. Ah well, I'll take what I get obviously.
Secondly, I applied for coaching position with the U of M this summer and I received the email this week saying I was accepted for it, meaning I get weekends off and get to shoot hoops all day. Now the only thing to do is to give my notice to BMO for the summer, ugh not looking forward to that.
Lastly, my BR is now finally back above my initial deposit of $400, finishing at $415 last night with the help of a winning session and unlocking a bonus. Hopefully I can get up to 25NL by May 1st, but if not, I won't mind sticking around 10NL for another few weeks to work out some more kinks in my game. However, I do believe that 25NL in May will be my most likely route I'll be taking.
Here are my stats so far for April, pretty solid I believe, but I'm still making the occasional costly mistake, probably responsible for -4BI, but I've also lost my fair number of coolers which I'm not really used to yet and they were tilting me there for a while.

Here's a hand which I'm not happy about. This guy was playing all over the place during my session with him, he flats my 3bet pf, making me believe he has AK, or QQ-TT, potentially ATs kind of thing. He c-bets the dry flop and I'm willing to pay off some random set so I shove because I figure I have 95% of his range beat here, any overpair would call my shove, and that AA was unlikely. I think either way we'd be getting it in on the board if not on the flop then on the turn or river so I think my play was fine here, just sucked that he had AA.
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Seat 1: FineByFar ($11.40) -
Seat 2: BiotchesFull ($14.35) -
Seat 3: TMacClemson ($9.95) -
Seat 4: TheAbhorsen ($12.65)
Seat 5: kfed5672 ($14.70)
Seat 6: mack87 ($13.40)
BiotchesFull posts small blind $0.05
TMacClemson posts BIG blind $0.10
Dealt To: mack87
FOLD TheAbhorsen
CALL kfed5672 ($0.10)
RAISE mack87 ($0.45)
FOLD FineByFar
FOLD BiotchesFull
FOLD TMacClemson
RAISE kfed5672 ($0.80)
RAISE mack87 ($2)
CALL kfed5672 ($1.20)
Pot: $4.15
BET kfed5672 ($2.50)
RAISE mack87 ($11.40)
CALL kfed5672 ($8.90)
Pot: $26.95
Pot: $26.95
kfed5672 collected $24.95 from main pot with two pair, Aces and Fives
Total pot: $24.95 Rake: $
Final Board:
Free hand converter brought to you by CardRunners
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