I am now officially rolled for 25NL, but I think I'm going to stay at 10NL until the end of April or 20k hands, whichever comes first. I've started datamining the next level, but currently I only have stats for about 3k players. By the end of April I'm hoping that number will triple and I can therefore make much better reads off them. Other then the news about moving up soon, I'll just show my up-to-date stats and hopefully write a more detailed blog come Sunday night.

EDIT: 2 hours later...
So I just played 400 hands at 10NL and finished up 2 more BI (ship it), but I got sucked out on HUGE. I don't think it's ever been this bad. Felt myself starting to tilt after the last one so I quit while I was still ahead and finish my session later. Here are the coolers.
Hand 1
After his c-bet into me and then call of my raise, I put him on an overpair as he would have shoved had he hit that flop at all. Turn is a 7 which could have paired him but I'd be willing to pay him off with that as I think it's unlikely so I shove to get his last 1/3BI in and he snap calls with TT. I just had a feeling he'd spike his trips on the riv...ugh
Villain: 5%
Hand 2
So I flop top pair and kicker (assumed here) on a drawy board but seeing as how villain had 5BB left I just shove and he calls with A7s...and hits runner runner straight...ugh
Villain: 20%
Hand 3
This one was tough and I don't think I can lay it down. After he donk bets the flop I reraise him and call his shove as I'm pretty much pot-committed. It just looked to much like a straight or flush draw and with an overpair I think it's just too hard to fold a strong OP to the board, especially when he is repping either straight/flush draw or overpairs...bah
So those three hands cost me 2BI and the majority of the time I'll take those down so what happened didn't really bother me, just the close proximity to each other got to me. Anywho, hope you got a laugh out of these...I didn't.
Edit #2:
So the poker Gods obviously weren't too happy with me today. After taking a break from the last cooler session, I get with 3 more crazy plays lol. Ran into quads twice with my full house and lost set over set on the flop when I spiked mine and...surprise surprise he spikes his on the riv... So I'm going to stop after 800 hands now, thank you very much, with a very RESPECTABLE $1.4 in winnings lol. Wow what a night, here's another few for you:
Hand 4
I have nothing to say to this, I don't think I could away with this hand EVER EVER EVER. Ridiculous. Lol loved how we both slowplayed it though.
Hand 5
Flush draw on the flop, I bet out strong and I assume the guy has either the FD, set (doubt it), or overpair to the board so I made sure to get my money in ASAP. Not going to lie, started to tilt a little after I get beat by A 2 OUTER ON THE RIVER FOR THE SECOND TIME TONIGHT!
Hand 6
This kinda topped the night off. I was behind this whole hand and I didn't know it. After the third K hits I refuse to believe that anyone is going to have it. When he raises me on the river he could be doing with with some many pocket pairs or bluffs that I'm forced to call.
What a night, I'm going to go pray and maybe give a sacrificial virgin to the poker Gods because I obviously need to repent for whatever sins I have incurred.
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