Definitely embarrassing but I can't really defend my play, it's just been horrible up to this point. I can say that I'm still new this game but that's no good excuse for someone who wants to excel and beat this frustrating game. Bear in mind that the first 2500 hands were horrendous so they don't help the end image but you get the idea, so far I'm a losing player.
My stats, 18/14/5 are definitely off and I have to correct those for sure. Either I have to bring my VPIP down a couple notches or increase my PFR a couple notches, most likely I will be decreasing my VPIP (playing less hands) and playing a tighter game for the time being. Also, my AF is way too high imo. I think to be profitable, an AF of 2.5-4 would be preferable as my high AF shows that I'm chasing way too many hands, leaking a lot of money.
Here are my positional stats to date:

I'm not too upset with position stats except for the SB (playing 19/11 from first to act on the flop is a leak). I've done better as of late in the SB position, cutting down my VPIP, but it is one of the things I should be working on in my game.
So I feel pretty naked right now with my subpar stats on show, but I think it's the right thing to do to improve my game. I've played 250 hands so far today (down 1.2BI on a couple bad plays) and I will probably play another 150-200hands tonight when I get home from school so I will be posting those stats, in addition to some good and bad hands, to review.
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