Hey compadres, had a great session (3 1 hour sessions to be exact). First session I finished off down 2 BI which sucked, I was trying to force the action, getting myself into marginal positions etc., and obviously wasn't happy with my play. Second session I swung it around huge, finishing up around 4BI after getting my money in good the whole time and coming out on top. Third session I finished slightly down (1/10BI) after getting stacked in a cooler (my AKs vs his AJos, board is xJxxA) so I'm happy with that as I know I'll come out on top enough to profitable in that situation.
Going to keep this short as I just posted yesterday with my last 1000 hands so here's my PT stats and then a screenshot describing some of the situations I got in (I got 1/2 BI off that the guy to my left somehow). Oh and I also unlocked another 2BI bonus so my net for today was +4BI, not too shabby at all.

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