So I haven't posted in a while and I since I'm doing nothing right now I might as well give a quick update. I've played about 16000 hands this month, way below my end goal of 25k for May, but it's been a really busy month surprisingly and I just haven't had the chance to get in as many hands. I'm also breakeven at 25NL so far this month, up maybe a BI at most. Had a nice session a little while ago for +3BI but it followed a session where I played fine...and lost 3.5BI over 850 hands. I just couldn't hit anything and lost a lot against short stacks or guys whose lines made no sense at all. My W$@SD was something like 27% and W$SF was around 31% playing 18/16/3.3 lol. Just couldn't get anything going.
I'm not sure if I should have stopped at my 2BI stop-loss that session and frankly I believe that sticking around was fine. I was playing against some huge, deep donks, on 2 of the 4 tables and long-term I'd be taking a lot of there money. My hands, and play, just couldn't hold against them hitting absolutely everything, or for example, I raise pre with KK, get called by donk, it goes bet/call, bet/call, and then he shoves on a blank river. He did that twice and I just couldn't follow through the second time even though I had TPTK. Bah. Just a rough session.
Anyways, I've become much more confident in my play at 25NL, sucks that results haven't followed, but I still believe that the game is still the same; bet for value when you hit, and don't be tricky when you miss. That's about all to report, looking forward to June where I have 22 days off and will be looking to get in a lot of hands.
BR is currently at 770.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
Mid-May Report
So the first half of the month has been pretty rough, I think mostly due to human error, aka me, so I'm stuck two BI to start 25NL over 10k hands. However, over the last 4 500 hands, even though I'm up only 2BI over that period, I feel that I have really improved. I have begun almost pretending to make a poker video, talking things out loud at times and it has helped, especially when I would usually fall in love with the hand I have. Looking forward to continuing this over the second half of the month and hopefully turning around a, so far, very swingy month.
My stats so far:

Glad to see my AF getting closer towards 3 again, felt I was really forcing the action early on, being way too aggro. Solid stats otherwise as I believe I have solid fundamentals, now it's just time to start thinking deeper like I have been the last 4k-ish hands.
May 12

Obviously a nice day here up 3BI. Got paid off with my sets and made some solid reads on players and they shipped the chips over my way. No hands that I was upset about here. Got it in on flop with top set vs KK and the third 6 hits on the river to give him the bigger boat. Lost another stack to a rivered straight against my trips on the flop. Crappy, but those were easy coolers and I played them fine imo.
May 13

Had a couple tough hands here that I'll post, otherwise, didn't really get into any crazy spots and I was able to keep my losses to a minimum.
Hand 1
This hurt obv going up against a guy who limp/calls AA preflop. I put him on an overpair type hand or a strong AJ/AQ/AK type thing when he raises me on the turn. I think I fold out any stupid hand like 92os so I expected to take this pot...took a note on him afterwards and i'll be playing more cautiously against this dude if we ever meet again.
Hand 2
Flop a pretty big monster here but I think I played it too passively by just calling his repops on the flop and turn. I put this guy on a strong, or maybe even made, draw or two pair type thing. By just calling here I have no idea where I am and I shouldn't have called his turn bet as it make the river play very difficult. Sucked folding but I'm going to be beat here 90% of the time as this guy is not bluffing.
May 14

This was kind of the break-through here where I really started to think a lot deeper and analyze my decisions a lot harder, sadly it was after a rough start where I was down just over 2BI at one point. Took a break and began talking to myself when playing (lol) and it worked, made a lot better decisions and managed to break even. Not going to bother posting any hands here, I played two pretty stupidly but I just don't see any value in posting them.
May 15

Played really solid here and again I kept my losses to a minimum and lost only two big pots, which I'll post here.
Hand 3
In the small blind and I raise the button for value as I believe I crush his range with my AQos. Flop TPTK and he raises my c-bet strong. Not sure what I should do here as I'm going to be up against a lot of Qx type hands like QK, sets, overpairs, and a bit of air. Looking back at it, I don't like my shove here as I'm folding out any hands that I beat and only getting called by hands that beat me. However, calling gets me no where and chances are I'd be getting it in anyways on a later street. In hindsight, folding is obvious here...and I think I should have...but could I have folded TPTK to a raise on the flop?
Hand 4
This hand really got to me as I think I played it fine and that I'm way ahead of his range. When he bets small each street I'm thinking a weak A or K type hand and that a reraise would fold out any hands that beat me. I can't reraise the 8 on the turn as it narrows my range huge and I only call on the river because I raise would be getting shoved on by the flush, although doubtful he was drawing to the flush. I couldn't believe it when he had QT and hit his 4 outer on the river...but if I raised anywhere I would have folded it and lost so much value...still don't know how I should have played this. Bah.
Anyways, PT is being stupid again so no playing tonight I don't think. I'm about 2500 hands short of where I should be to reach my goal but I still think it's reachable. Will try to get in 6k hands or so this week and go from there.
My stats so far:

Glad to see my AF getting closer towards 3 again, felt I was really forcing the action early on, being way too aggro. Solid stats otherwise as I believe I have solid fundamentals, now it's just time to start thinking deeper like I have been the last 4k-ish hands.
May 12

Obviously a nice day here up 3BI. Got paid off with my sets and made some solid reads on players and they shipped the chips over my way. No hands that I was upset about here. Got it in on flop with top set vs KK and the third 6 hits on the river to give him the bigger boat. Lost another stack to a rivered straight against my trips on the flop. Crappy, but those were easy coolers and I played them fine imo.
May 13

Had a couple tough hands here that I'll post, otherwise, didn't really get into any crazy spots and I was able to keep my losses to a minimum.
Hand 1
This hurt obv going up against a guy who limp/calls AA preflop. I put him on an overpair type hand or a strong AJ/AQ/AK type thing when he raises me on the turn. I think I fold out any stupid hand like 92os so I expected to take this pot...took a note on him afterwards and i'll be playing more cautiously against this dude if we ever meet again.
Hand 2
Flop a pretty big monster here but I think I played it too passively by just calling his repops on the flop and turn. I put this guy on a strong, or maybe even made, draw or two pair type thing. By just calling here I have no idea where I am and I shouldn't have called his turn bet as it make the river play very difficult. Sucked folding but I'm going to be beat here 90% of the time as this guy is not bluffing.
May 14

This was kind of the break-through here where I really started to think a lot deeper and analyze my decisions a lot harder, sadly it was after a rough start where I was down just over 2BI at one point. Took a break and began talking to myself when playing (lol) and it worked, made a lot better decisions and managed to break even. Not going to bother posting any hands here, I played two pretty stupidly but I just don't see any value in posting them.
May 15

Played really solid here and again I kept my losses to a minimum and lost only two big pots, which I'll post here.
Hand 3
In the small blind and I raise the button for value as I believe I crush his range with my AQos. Flop TPTK and he raises my c-bet strong. Not sure what I should do here as I'm going to be up against a lot of Qx type hands like QK, sets, overpairs, and a bit of air. Looking back at it, I don't like my shove here as I'm folding out any hands that I beat and only getting called by hands that beat me. However, calling gets me no where and chances are I'd be getting it in anyways on a later street. In hindsight, folding is obvious here...and I think I should have...but could I have folded TPTK to a raise on the flop?
Hand 4
This hand really got to me as I think I played it fine and that I'm way ahead of his range. When he bets small each street I'm thinking a weak A or K type hand and that a reraise would fold out any hands that beat me. I can't reraise the 8 on the turn as it narrows my range huge and I only call on the river because I raise would be getting shoved on by the flush, although doubtful he was drawing to the flush. I couldn't believe it when he had QT and hit his 4 outer on the river...but if I raised anywhere I would have folded it and lost so much value...still don't know how I should have played this. Bah.
Anyways, PT is being stupid again so no playing tonight I don't think. I'm about 2500 hands short of where I should be to reach my goal but I still think it's reachable. Will try to get in 6k hands or so this week and go from there.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Frustrating month so far.
So I've figured out now that 25NL is just as soft as 10NL with maybe a few less idiots, but in the end, a lot of idiots still out there. Sadly, I've been playing like an idiot at time, allowing emotions and "gut feels" or "let's just see what he has on the river for cheap" kind of things to get in the way. I have shown signs of my brilliance and high it's just been super high variance so far this month. Haven't played much as of May 12th, only 5500 hands, mostly due to being unusually busy, but I'm hoping that by the 19th, I'll have close to 12k hands so I can reach my goal of 25k-30k. I'm currently down 4BI, which isn't horrible at all, but I still feel positive that I can finish this month profitable.
Here are my stats for the days since the last blog:
May 6

Nice day obviously, and the 1700 hands were great to get in and showed that it is possible to grind for 4 hours and pull of a decent number of hands while four-tabling. Made a lot of good reads, shoving on a AAx board with QQ when the guy insta-pots without thinking. Could have had the trips or boat but as he played it, I figured I was good against him a lot of the time as he was going to have lot of air.
Hand 1
My only full stack loss this day, this guy was a maniac, shoving with second pair and weak draws, sucking out on a lot of them. I just didn't believe he had the four and expected to see either air or a weak jack or king. I didn't like my shove though on the river as even though I have two pair, he's only calling with better. In hindsight, checking in front and calling a donk bet by him would have been better.
Hand 2
This was a tough laydown. I'm betting for value each street with TPTK and the third spade on the riv doesn't do much in my decision making as a guy passively calling with a runner runner flush draw is really unlikely. However, when he minraises me on the river, it does scream a lot of strength, which makes no sense as he was so passive throughout. I'm assuming I'll be seeing J8 a lot here or KJs but with the strength he shows on the river I have to respect that as he hadn't gotten out of line with me in our history. I noted his minraise on riv and moved on. Tough fold though, but correct I believe.
May 7

Very rough day here, got coolered for 2BI right off the bat and the rest is history, mindset changed with the losses and made some costly mistakes. Since this day, I've made a stop-loss of 2BI mandatory where I will not play for the rest of the day, I'll be doing this until I get better control of my losing mindset in these situations.
Hand 3
This was a difficult situation, I flop the nut flush draw so I bet pot, where he repops strong on me, I call one street and then I turn the straightdraw as well where he repops me again. Here is where I should have folded but I just could see what he was doing that with other than a set, had no clue what was going on and therefore should have folded on the turn.
Hand 4
So here is where I should have 3bet for value as flatting this OOP is always tough. I'm way ahead of his range here and I would have folded a lot of garbage. As played, I got it in good on the turn as I think he's doing this with any Ax hand, just sucks that he got his 3outer on the river. Bah. First of two coolers to begin my session.
Hand 5
Second of the two to start my session, don't know if it's a standard cooler but I think I'm getting it in here 99% of the time as villain can be showing up with so much. Hurt that he had the set but I can see him doing this with a lot of draws and TPTK type hands. I still have to question though if I could/should have folded this. He shows quite a bit of strength here on a rather wet board...set definitely becomes a bigger part of his range with his strong repop on the flop...don't know if I can ever fold here. Tough hand.
Hand 6
Lol gah, this is what happens when you're on crazy monkey-tilt. My line makes no sense at all, I'm only folding out weaker hands on the river and getting called by everything that beats me. Nothing really to say here, this is where the 2BI stoploss comes in so I don't do dumbass plays, although rare, like this one. Could have saved myself almost a BI there. gross.
May 9

Nice standard session here, flopped nuts and got shoved on by AA, which is always nice and got it in with TPTK AQ vs KQ on the turn.
May 10

Another rough day, but I was playing too well in my opinion. I don't think I give short-stacks a lot of respect, naturally, but I find that my shoving range on them opens up quite a bit when I'm holding most likely the top hand. Not going to show those two hands as they're pretty standard, but I lost a BI coming over the top with what I believed was the top hand and of course, short stacks do, believe it or not, have a made hands sometimes. Bah
Hand 7
This hand hurts, I raise UTG and get called by the blinds and BB hits the nuts on the flop with...79s? I knew the board was drawy...but seriously. This one topped off the session and I quit right after because I was pretty damn pissed off. Warning bells could have gone off when he makes a small reraise on 2 turn, but I'm still thinking he's doing this with a lot of draws and garbage I'm not folding KK on this board.
That's it for my playing the last little while, like I said I really have to start grinding this week and I'll have a lot of time to do it as well. Hopefully be over 10k by Friday night and...profitable? I feel very confident in my fundamentals of poker, but I'm still uncertain when it comes to control the emotions when getting hammered in a session. My stoploss will definitely reduce variance as so far at 25NL, when I lose, I lose big lol. Gotta put an end to that.
Having played a lot in the mornings this month, I've also noticed that finding a profitable table is very tough to do, which sucks because I feel that I'm on my A game in the mornings, but so are all the regs that make up the majority of the players at the tables. So instead of grinding it out against those regs, I'll be playing 1 or 2 hours in the mid-afternoon when the tables soften up a bit and then 2 more hours late at night when the idiots come out to lose their money to me :P.
Bought a laptop last week from Dell so hoping it comes in by next week so I can start grinding it out on that upstairs where it's not so damn cold (def +EV). It only put me back $1.2k for a very nice laptop, although it is only 15.4". I figure with the money I saved there, if I make a nice profit this month I'll buy a Samsung 24" 1080p monitor for $250 for the room so I'm not hunkered over the laptop all the time.
Anyways, long post today so congrats on anyone who finishes it. It's a new and I'm looking forward to hitting the tables and improving as always. Next update will probably be the weekend yo.
Here are my stats for the days since the last blog:
May 6

Nice day obviously, and the 1700 hands were great to get in and showed that it is possible to grind for 4 hours and pull of a decent number of hands while four-tabling. Made a lot of good reads, shoving on a AAx board with QQ when the guy insta-pots without thinking. Could have had the trips or boat but as he played it, I figured I was good against him a lot of the time as he was going to have lot of air.
Hand 1
My only full stack loss this day, this guy was a maniac, shoving with second pair and weak draws, sucking out on a lot of them. I just didn't believe he had the four and expected to see either air or a weak jack or king. I didn't like my shove though on the river as even though I have two pair, he's only calling with better. In hindsight, checking in front and calling a donk bet by him would have been better.
Hand 2
This was a tough laydown. I'm betting for value each street with TPTK and the third spade on the riv doesn't do much in my decision making as a guy passively calling with a runner runner flush draw is really unlikely. However, when he minraises me on the river, it does scream a lot of strength, which makes no sense as he was so passive throughout. I'm assuming I'll be seeing J8 a lot here or KJs but with the strength he shows on the river I have to respect that as he hadn't gotten out of line with me in our history. I noted his minraise on riv and moved on. Tough fold though, but correct I believe.
May 7

Very rough day here, got coolered for 2BI right off the bat and the rest is history, mindset changed with the losses and made some costly mistakes. Since this day, I've made a stop-loss of 2BI mandatory where I will not play for the rest of the day, I'll be doing this until I get better control of my losing mindset in these situations.
Hand 3
This was a difficult situation, I flop the nut flush draw so I bet pot, where he repops strong on me, I call one street and then I turn the straightdraw as well where he repops me again. Here is where I should have folded but I just could see what he was doing that with other than a set, had no clue what was going on and therefore should have folded on the turn.
Hand 4
So here is where I should have 3bet for value as flatting this OOP is always tough. I'm way ahead of his range here and I would have folded a lot of garbage. As played, I got it in good on the turn as I think he's doing this with any Ax hand, just sucks that he got his 3outer on the river. Bah. First of two coolers to begin my session.
Hand 5
Second of the two to start my session, don't know if it's a standard cooler but I think I'm getting it in here 99% of the time as villain can be showing up with so much. Hurt that he had the set but I can see him doing this with a lot of draws and TPTK type hands. I still have to question though if I could/should have folded this. He shows quite a bit of strength here on a rather wet board...set definitely becomes a bigger part of his range with his strong repop on the flop...don't know if I can ever fold here. Tough hand.
Hand 6
Lol gah, this is what happens when you're on crazy monkey-tilt. My line makes no sense at all, I'm only folding out weaker hands on the river and getting called by everything that beats me. Nothing really to say here, this is where the 2BI stoploss comes in so I don't do dumbass plays, although rare, like this one. Could have saved myself almost a BI there. gross.
May 9

Nice standard session here, flopped nuts and got shoved on by AA, which is always nice and got it in with TPTK AQ vs KQ on the turn.
May 10

Another rough day, but I was playing too well in my opinion. I don't think I give short-stacks a lot of respect, naturally, but I find that my shoving range on them opens up quite a bit when I'm holding most likely the top hand. Not going to show those two hands as they're pretty standard, but I lost a BI coming over the top with what I believed was the top hand and of course, short stacks do, believe it or not, have a made hands sometimes. Bah
Hand 7
This hand hurts, I raise UTG and get called by the blinds and BB hits the nuts on the flop with...79s? I knew the board was drawy...but seriously. This one topped off the session and I quit right after because I was pretty damn pissed off. Warning bells could have gone off when he makes a small reraise on 2 turn, but I'm still thinking he's doing this with a lot of draws and garbage I'm not folding KK on this board.
That's it for my playing the last little while, like I said I really have to start grinding this week and I'll have a lot of time to do it as well. Hopefully be over 10k by Friday night and...profitable? I feel very confident in my fundamentals of poker, but I'm still uncertain when it comes to control the emotions when getting hammered in a session. My stoploss will definitely reduce variance as so far at 25NL, when I lose, I lose big lol. Gotta put an end to that.
Having played a lot in the mornings this month, I've also noticed that finding a profitable table is very tough to do, which sucks because I feel that I'm on my A game in the mornings, but so are all the regs that make up the majority of the players at the tables. So instead of grinding it out against those regs, I'll be playing 1 or 2 hours in the mid-afternoon when the tables soften up a bit and then 2 more hours late at night when the idiots come out to lose their money to me :P.
Bought a laptop last week from Dell so hoping it comes in by next week so I can start grinding it out on that upstairs where it's not so damn cold (def +EV). It only put me back $1.2k for a very nice laptop, although it is only 15.4". I figure with the money I saved there, if I make a nice profit this month I'll buy a Samsung 24" 1080p monitor for $250 for the room so I'm not hunkered over the laptop all the time.
Anyways, long post today so congrats on anyone who finishes it. It's a new and I'm looking forward to hitting the tables and improving as always. Next update will probably be the weekend yo.
Monday, May 5, 2008
So far, so good?
So I haven't been able to play as much as I've hoped so far this month, mostly due to random things I've had to do, but I'm still on track to hit the 25k-30k goal I set out for myself. The month started off pretty rough, got coolered a couple times to put me in the whole and have made some expensive mistakes to begin this month. All in all though, I'm only down about 2BI and the intimidation that I found that I had earlier on is gone so I can begin to win like I was doing in April. I'll just get to the review of the days and couple stupid plays each day and go from there.
May 2

Lost the proper mindset during this one, losing AA to KK and set over set while ALSO making some dumb, costly plays. Here's the two biggies:
This hand was doomed from the start, played it way too passively beginning preflop where I should have reraised the button minraise. He would have repopped me and I would have folded, saving a lot of headaches. As played, I can't check/call all the way down as I had no idea where I was in the hand. Pretty self-explanatory after the fact.
Reviewing now...that's probably my only huge mistake of that session, the others were set over set, AAvsKK, or having to fold AK on the flop after raises preflop. Just couldn't win anything at all, I only had one double-digit dollar win the whole session.
May 4

A break-even session, oh well, got a lot more comfortable playing on Sunday and actually won a couple nice-sized pots. Only big mistakes here was felting QQ vs a guy playing 34/5/1 preflop who had KK. He didn't get out of line with me or anyone else during the hundred or so hands that I had with him and frankly, it was pretty blatant what he had before I called his shove. If it was a guy playing 34/20/4. I wouldn't be upset if I came up against KK as that would be a small part of his felting range.
Hand 2
I felt that I had the best hand and I'm reasonably happy with my play up to the river when K comes down. It was a pretty obvious value-bet and I just couldn't get away with my weak hand and made a horrible hero call. I wasn't even pot-committed so my line here makes no sense.
May 5

Had a good day today, finishing up BI in 2 hours of play, but made a few costly mistakes that took away about 1-2BI that I could have definitely used. Played a lot more aggressively pre-flop, even 3betting in good situations with my medium hands in position, basically just pounding the button and got paid off thanks to that. Here are two hands though that I'm not pleased with:
Hand 3
Lol this hand sucked, I put this guy squarely on an AT/AQ type hand and of course, I couldn't fold my rivered idiot straight. Pretty obvious that I just didn't quite think it through enough on the river, but I just didn't think I'd be seeing a KJ from the small blind. Bah
Hand 4
It's weird how your mind sometimes refuses to let you fold a hand, even though there's huge evidence you're most likely behind. Pretty obvious value bet here, but I kept on telling myself that I have the 3rd nut flush here....bad move on my part, but at least it's etched in my brain now and never happen again....right?
I have the place to myself tomorrow all day so I'm going to try to hit 1500 hands, but we'll have to see. Lately my parents have been "joking" around saying I'm addicted to poker which really bugs me obviously as that's as far from the truth as possible. Doesn't an addiction have to have a negative impact on your own and others' lives, etc, etc? So far, I've watched way less tv, am much more scheduled not only with when I play poker, but with everything else too, and am actually thinking more critically about situations outside of poker as well. Bah and then of course I can't tell them I'm NOT addicted because they'll say or "think" that denial is the first stage, blah blah blah.
There is no doubt in my mind that I'm not addicted at all, especially when approaching it in the manner that I have done. Still bugs me though that it feels like I have to play covertly around my family. We'll see what happens I guess, I'll update once again on Friday or Sunday I'm assuming.
May 2

Lost the proper mindset during this one, losing AA to KK and set over set while ALSO making some dumb, costly plays. Here's the two biggies:
This hand was doomed from the start, played it way too passively beginning preflop where I should have reraised the button minraise. He would have repopped me and I would have folded, saving a lot of headaches. As played, I can't check/call all the way down as I had no idea where I was in the hand. Pretty self-explanatory after the fact.
Reviewing now...that's probably my only huge mistake of that session, the others were set over set, AAvsKK, or having to fold AK on the flop after raises preflop. Just couldn't win anything at all, I only had one double-digit dollar win the whole session.
May 4

A break-even session, oh well, got a lot more comfortable playing on Sunday and actually won a couple nice-sized pots. Only big mistakes here was felting QQ vs a guy playing 34/5/1 preflop who had KK. He didn't get out of line with me or anyone else during the hundred or so hands that I had with him and frankly, it was pretty blatant what he had before I called his shove. If it was a guy playing 34/20/4. I wouldn't be upset if I came up against KK as that would be a small part of his felting range.
Hand 2
I felt that I had the best hand and I'm reasonably happy with my play up to the river when K comes down. It was a pretty obvious value-bet and I just couldn't get away with my weak hand and made a horrible hero call. I wasn't even pot-committed so my line here makes no sense.
May 5

Had a good day today, finishing up BI in 2 hours of play, but made a few costly mistakes that took away about 1-2BI that I could have definitely used. Played a lot more aggressively pre-flop, even 3betting in good situations with my medium hands in position, basically just pounding the button and got paid off thanks to that. Here are two hands though that I'm not pleased with:
Hand 3
Lol this hand sucked, I put this guy squarely on an AT/AQ type hand and of course, I couldn't fold my rivered idiot straight. Pretty obvious that I just didn't quite think it through enough on the river, but I just didn't think I'd be seeing a KJ from the small blind. Bah
Hand 4
It's weird how your mind sometimes refuses to let you fold a hand, even though there's huge evidence you're most likely behind. Pretty obvious value bet here, but I kept on telling myself that I have the 3rd nut flush here....bad move on my part, but at least it's etched in my brain now and never happen again....right?
I have the place to myself tomorrow all day so I'm going to try to hit 1500 hands, but we'll have to see. Lately my parents have been "joking" around saying I'm addicted to poker which really bugs me obviously as that's as far from the truth as possible. Doesn't an addiction have to have a negative impact on your own and others' lives, etc, etc? So far, I've watched way less tv, am much more scheduled not only with when I play poker, but with everything else too, and am actually thinking more critically about situations outside of poker as well. Bah and then of course I can't tell them I'm NOT addicted because they'll say or "think" that denial is the first stage, blah blah blah.
There is no doubt in my mind that I'm not addicted at all, especially when approaching it in the manner that I have done. Still bugs me though that it feels like I have to play covertly around my family. We'll see what happens I guess, I'll update once again on Friday or Sunday I'm assuming.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
End of April Stats and May Goals
So April was a pretty crazy month, starting with a 10BI downswing and then a 20BI upswing to finish 10NL and becoming rolled for 25NL. In 25NL I started off up 5BI and now I'm back down to break-even lol. I met my goals of having a profitable month and also becoming at least a bronze ironman by playing just shy of 19k hands. wooot. I also won the side prop bet with a buddy of mine, who admitted defeat last night on facebook, and I'm looking forward to some tasty lobster at his expense in July lol.
I'm very happy with my 3ptbb/100 winrate considering my rough start and I'm not worried about 25NL yet, still have lots to learn about 3betting and squeezing preflop, which players do a lot more at 25NL. There are also a lot more regulars and guys playing 14/12/3 but very aggressive in position. I know I can be profitable at this level, it's just a matter of being patient until it clicks like it did at 10NL.
Here are my stats for April:

My stats for both stakes are almost identical but I'm going to look to tighten up my UTG, MP, and CO ranges a bit and look to play more a 17/15/3 or 16/14/3 and loosen up as I become more comfortable later in the month.
As for my goals for the month, it's a pretty quiet month for work, only working 13 days total so I plan on getting a lot of hand in during my days off. Here is my schedule for my non-work days during the week:
8 15am: Wake up
9 00am: 1.5hour session
11 00am: 1.5 hour session
1 00pm: 1.5 hours of basketball
4 00pm: 1-1.5hour session
10 00pm: Review the day's session and blog every 3-4 days.
With this schedule, I can get in about 1.7k-1.9k hands on those days. 12 week days of this is 20.4k-22.8k hands right there. I also have 4 Sundays and the evenings to put in so with that in mind, here are my goals for May:
1) Play at least 25k hands.
A) Secondary goal of hitting 30k hands.
2) Have a profitable month again
B) Secondary goal of making $500 and thus moving my BR above $1k.
3) My current posts on Cardrunners is around 20 and I want to take better advantage of the forums so I want to have my postings up to 75 by the end of the month.
I've been reading a lot of this dude, E-Cart's, blog since I started poker and have watched him move up from 25NL to 50NL successfully. I like how he posts each day's PT stats on his blog every few days and comments on them and I'm going to do that for this month and see how it goes. Every 3-4 days I will post my stats for each day's sessions and be critical of them, in addition to posting some HH.
So there we go, I'm pumped for a new month and looking forward to it being profitable soon enough. No playing for me today, going to take my first break in over a month as I have to work today, so I'm just going to lay low this morning and watch a 50NL vid by Fruitypro.
I'm very happy with my 3ptbb/100 winrate considering my rough start and I'm not worried about 25NL yet, still have lots to learn about 3betting and squeezing preflop, which players do a lot more at 25NL. There are also a lot more regulars and guys playing 14/12/3 but very aggressive in position. I know I can be profitable at this level, it's just a matter of being patient until it clicks like it did at 10NL.
Here are my stats for April:

My stats for both stakes are almost identical but I'm going to look to tighten up my UTG, MP, and CO ranges a bit and look to play more a 17/15/3 or 16/14/3 and loosen up as I become more comfortable later in the month.
As for my goals for the month, it's a pretty quiet month for work, only working 13 days total so I plan on getting a lot of hand in during my days off. Here is my schedule for my non-work days during the week:
8 15am: Wake up
9 00am: 1.5hour session
11 00am: 1.5 hour session
1 00pm: 1.5 hours of basketball
4 00pm: 1-1.5hour session
10 00pm: Review the day's session and blog every 3-4 days.
With this schedule, I can get in about 1.7k-1.9k hands on those days. 12 week days of this is 20.4k-22.8k hands right there. I also have 4 Sundays and the evenings to put in so with that in mind, here are my goals for May:
1) Play at least 25k hands.
A) Secondary goal of hitting 30k hands.
2) Have a profitable month again
B) Secondary goal of making $500 and thus moving my BR above $1k.
3) My current posts on Cardrunners is around 20 and I want to take better advantage of the forums so I want to have my postings up to 75 by the end of the month.
I've been reading a lot of this dude, E-Cart's, blog since I started poker and have watched him move up from 25NL to 50NL successfully. I like how he posts each day's PT stats on his blog every few days and comments on them and I'm going to do that for this month and see how it goes. Every 3-4 days I will post my stats for each day's sessions and be critical of them, in addition to posting some HH.
So there we go, I'm pumped for a new month and looking forward to it being profitable soon enough. No playing for me today, going to take my first break in over a month as I have to work today, so I'm just going to lay low this morning and watch a 50NL vid by Fruitypro.
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