Here are my stats for the days since the last blog:
May 6

Nice day obviously, and the 1700 hands were great to get in and showed that it is possible to grind for 4 hours and pull of a decent number of hands while four-tabling. Made a lot of good reads, shoving on a AAx board with QQ when the guy insta-pots without thinking. Could have had the trips or boat but as he played it, I figured I was good against him a lot of the time as he was going to have lot of air.
Hand 1
My only full stack loss this day, this guy was a maniac, shoving with second pair and weak draws, sucking out on a lot of them. I just didn't believe he had the four and expected to see either air or a weak jack or king. I didn't like my shove though on the river as even though I have two pair, he's only calling with better. In hindsight, checking in front and calling a donk bet by him would have been better.
Hand 2
This was a tough laydown. I'm betting for value each street with TPTK and the third spade on the riv doesn't do much in my decision making as a guy passively calling with a runner runner flush draw is really unlikely. However, when he minraises me on the river, it does scream a lot of strength, which makes no sense as he was so passive throughout. I'm assuming I'll be seeing J8 a lot here or KJs but with the strength he shows on the river I have to respect that as he hadn't gotten out of line with me in our history. I noted his minraise on riv and moved on. Tough fold though, but correct I believe.
May 7

Very rough day here, got coolered for 2BI right off the bat and the rest is history, mindset changed with the losses and made some costly mistakes. Since this day, I've made a stop-loss of 2BI mandatory where I will not play for the rest of the day, I'll be doing this until I get better control of my losing mindset in these situations.
Hand 3
This was a difficult situation, I flop the nut flush draw so I bet pot, where he repops strong on me, I call one street and then I turn the straightdraw as well where he repops me again. Here is where I should have folded but I just could see what he was doing that with other than a set, had no clue what was going on and therefore should have folded on the turn.
Hand 4
So here is where I should have 3bet for value as flatting this OOP is always tough. I'm way ahead of his range here and I would have folded a lot of garbage. As played, I got it in good on the turn as I think he's doing this with any Ax hand, just sucks that he got his 3outer on the river. Bah. First of two coolers to begin my session.
Hand 5
Second of the two to start my session, don't know if it's a standard cooler but I think I'm getting it in here 99% of the time as villain can be showing up with so much. Hurt that he had the set but I can see him doing this with a lot of draws and TPTK type hands. I still have to question though if I could/should have folded this. He shows quite a bit of strength here on a rather wet board...set definitely becomes a bigger part of his range with his strong repop on the flop...don't know if I can ever fold here. Tough hand.
Hand 6
Lol gah, this is what happens when you're on crazy monkey-tilt. My line makes no sense at all, I'm only folding out weaker hands on the river and getting called by everything that beats me. Nothing really to say here, this is where the 2BI stoploss comes in so I don't do dumbass plays, although rare, like this one. Could have saved myself almost a BI there. gross.
May 9

Nice standard session here, flopped nuts and got shoved on by AA, which is always nice and got it in with TPTK AQ vs KQ on the turn.
May 10

Another rough day, but I was playing too well in my opinion. I don't think I give short-stacks a lot of respect, naturally, but I find that my shoving range on them opens up quite a bit when I'm holding most likely the top hand. Not going to show those two hands as they're pretty standard, but I lost a BI coming over the top with what I believed was the top hand and of course, short stacks do, believe it or not, have a made hands sometimes. Bah
Hand 7
This hand hurts, I raise UTG and get called by the blinds and BB hits the nuts on the flop with...79s? I knew the board was drawy...but seriously. This one topped off the session and I quit right after because I was pretty damn pissed off. Warning bells could have gone off when he makes a small reraise on 2 turn, but I'm still thinking he's doing this with a lot of draws and garbage I'm not folding KK on this board.
That's it for my playing the last little while, like I said I really have to start grinding this week and I'll have a lot of time to do it as well. Hopefully be over 10k by Friday night and...profitable? I feel very confident in my fundamentals of poker, but I'm still uncertain when it comes to control the emotions when getting hammered in a session. My stoploss will definitely reduce variance as so far at 25NL, when I lose, I lose big lol. Gotta put an end to that.
Having played a lot in the mornings this month, I've also noticed that finding a profitable table is very tough to do, which sucks because I feel that I'm on my A game in the mornings, but so are all the regs that make up the majority of the players at the tables. So instead of grinding it out against those regs, I'll be playing 1 or 2 hours in the mid-afternoon when the tables soften up a bit and then 2 more hours late at night when the idiots come out to lose their money to me :P.
Bought a laptop last week from Dell so hoping it comes in by next week so I can start grinding it out on that upstairs where it's not so damn cold (def +EV). It only put me back $1.2k for a very nice laptop, although it is only 15.4". I figure with the money I saved there, if I make a nice profit this month I'll buy a Samsung 24" 1080p monitor for $250 for the room so I'm not hunkered over the laptop all the time.
Anyways, long post today so congrats on anyone who finishes it. It's a new and I'm looking forward to hitting the tables and improving as always. Next update will probably be the weekend yo.
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