My stats so far:

Glad to see my AF getting closer towards 3 again, felt I was really forcing the action early on, being way too aggro. Solid stats otherwise as I believe I have solid fundamentals, now it's just time to start thinking deeper like I have been the last 4k-ish hands.
May 12

Obviously a nice day here up 3BI. Got paid off with my sets and made some solid reads on players and they shipped the chips over my way. No hands that I was upset about here. Got it in on flop with top set vs KK and the third 6 hits on the river to give him the bigger boat. Lost another stack to a rivered straight against my trips on the flop. Crappy, but those were easy coolers and I played them fine imo.
May 13

Had a couple tough hands here that I'll post, otherwise, didn't really get into any crazy spots and I was able to keep my losses to a minimum.
Hand 1
This hurt obv going up against a guy who limp/calls AA preflop. I put him on an overpair type hand or a strong AJ/AQ/AK type thing when he raises me on the turn. I think I fold out any stupid hand like 92os so I expected to take this pot...took a note on him afterwards and i'll be playing more cautiously against this dude if we ever meet again.
Hand 2
Flop a pretty big monster here but I think I played it too passively by just calling his repops on the flop and turn. I put this guy on a strong, or maybe even made, draw or two pair type thing. By just calling here I have no idea where I am and I shouldn't have called his turn bet as it make the river play very difficult. Sucked folding but I'm going to be beat here 90% of the time as this guy is not bluffing.
May 14

This was kind of the break-through here where I really started to think a lot deeper and analyze my decisions a lot harder, sadly it was after a rough start where I was down just over 2BI at one point. Took a break and began talking to myself when playing (lol) and it worked, made a lot better decisions and managed to break even. Not going to bother posting any hands here, I played two pretty stupidly but I just don't see any value in posting them.
May 15

Played really solid here and again I kept my losses to a minimum and lost only two big pots, which I'll post here.
Hand 3
In the small blind and I raise the button for value as I believe I crush his range with my AQos. Flop TPTK and he raises my c-bet strong. Not sure what I should do here as I'm going to be up against a lot of Qx type hands like QK, sets, overpairs, and a bit of air. Looking back at it, I don't like my shove here as I'm folding out any hands that I beat and only getting called by hands that beat me. However, calling gets me no where and chances are I'd be getting it in anyways on a later street. In hindsight, folding is obvious here...and I think I should have...but could I have folded TPTK to a raise on the flop?
Hand 4
This hand really got to me as I think I played it fine and that I'm way ahead of his range. When he bets small each street I'm thinking a weak A or K type hand and that a reraise would fold out any hands that beat me. I can't reraise the 8 on the turn as it narrows my range huge and I only call on the river because I raise would be getting shoved on by the flush, although doubtful he was drawing to the flush. I couldn't believe it when he had QT and hit his 4 outer on the river...but if I raised anywhere I would have folded it and lost so much value...still don't know how I should have played this. Bah.
Anyways, PT is being stupid again so no playing tonight I don't think. I'm about 2500 hands short of where I should be to reach my goal but I still think it's reachable. Will try to get in 6k hands or so this week and go from there.
You are my hero baby!
And on hand 3, under May 15th:
The shove seems really aggressive. He raised pre-flop and then raised your c-bet strong. Like you said, KQ might be doing this, but I still don't think a shove benefits you. I agree that calling his raise doesn't do you much good. He's showing a lot of strength, and unless he's been super agro I would probably just move on to the next hand.
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