May 2

Lost the proper mindset during this one, losing AA to KK and set over set while ALSO making some dumb, costly plays. Here's the two biggies:
This hand was doomed from the start, played it way too passively beginning preflop where I should have reraised the button minraise. He would have repopped me and I would have folded, saving a lot of headaches. As played, I can't check/call all the way down as I had no idea where I was in the hand. Pretty self-explanatory after the fact.
Reviewing now...that's probably my only huge mistake of that session, the others were set over set, AAvsKK, or having to fold AK on the flop after raises preflop. Just couldn't win anything at all, I only had one double-digit dollar win the whole session.
May 4

A break-even session, oh well, got a lot more comfortable playing on Sunday and actually won a couple nice-sized pots. Only big mistakes here was felting QQ vs a guy playing 34/5/1 preflop who had KK. He didn't get out of line with me or anyone else during the hundred or so hands that I had with him and frankly, it was pretty blatant what he had before I called his shove. If it was a guy playing 34/20/4. I wouldn't be upset if I came up against KK as that would be a small part of his felting range.
Hand 2
I felt that I had the best hand and I'm reasonably happy with my play up to the river when K comes down. It was a pretty obvious value-bet and I just couldn't get away with my weak hand and made a horrible hero call. I wasn't even pot-committed so my line here makes no sense.
May 5

Had a good day today, finishing up BI in 2 hours of play, but made a few costly mistakes that took away about 1-2BI that I could have definitely used. Played a lot more aggressively pre-flop, even 3betting in good situations with my medium hands in position, basically just pounding the button and got paid off thanks to that. Here are two hands though that I'm not pleased with:
Hand 3
Lol this hand sucked, I put this guy squarely on an AT/AQ type hand and of course, I couldn't fold my rivered idiot straight. Pretty obvious that I just didn't quite think it through enough on the river, but I just didn't think I'd be seeing a KJ from the small blind. Bah
Hand 4
It's weird how your mind sometimes refuses to let you fold a hand, even though there's huge evidence you're most likely behind. Pretty obvious value bet here, but I kept on telling myself that I have the 3rd nut flush here....bad move on my part, but at least it's etched in my brain now and never happen again....right?
I have the place to myself tomorrow all day so I'm going to try to hit 1500 hands, but we'll have to see. Lately my parents have been "joking" around saying I'm addicted to poker which really bugs me obviously as that's as far from the truth as possible. Doesn't an addiction have to have a negative impact on your own and others' lives, etc, etc? So far, I've watched way less tv, am much more scheduled not only with when I play poker, but with everything else too, and am actually thinking more critically about situations outside of poker as well. Bah and then of course I can't tell them I'm NOT addicted because they'll say or "think" that denial is the first stage, blah blah blah.
There is no doubt in my mind that I'm not addicted at all, especially when approaching it in the manner that I have done. Still bugs me though that it feels like I have to play covertly around my family. We'll see what happens I guess, I'll update once again on Friday or Sunday I'm assuming.
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